Welcome back for another Picture Book Spotlight!

Today, we are speaking with Eldonie Mason, author of The Adventures of Princess Anyah of Antibarba: The Fishing Expedition.

Hi, Eldonie! Tell us about yourself.

My name is Eldonie Mason. I’m an entertainment, business, and fashion attorney and entrepreneur.

I immigrated to the U.S. from my native Caribbean Island of Antigua to pursue the American dream. I founded the law firm Mason Firm LLC in 2007. I also started a media company, Predestined Media LLC, in 2020.

What inspired you to write your picture book?

I’ve been interested in writing since high school but never thought to pursue it as a career.

Then three years ago, my five-year-old niece told me she could not be a princess because all the princesses were white with long hair. My heart broke. Who told her such a thing?

This conversation led me to write her a story about a Black princess with short hair who goes on adventures. The story bought her so much joy, I knew I could not keep it just between us because there were probably other little girls feeling the same as my niece.

And so began my journey as an author!

Representation matters and if little girls like my niece can see themselves as princesses, they will not feel less than.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

Find what you are passionate about and write about that. It will make writing a lot easier.

Is there anyone who has been instrumental in your path to becoming a writer?

My niece, Anyah, is my inspiration. She lit the spark and awakened my dormant creative side.

Tell us about The Adventures of Princess Anyah of Antibarba.

The Adventures of Princess Anyah of Antibarba: The Fishing Expedition is Book 1 in the series. It tells the tale of Princess Anyah, a fun-loving six-year-old who lives with her family in a palace on the tropical island of Antibarba located in the Caribbean.

In this book, she goes on her first big adventure: a fishing expedition with her dad, King Ananda.

It’s suitable for readers ages 0-12. Adults have read the book too and thoroughly enjoyed it–they even ask when Book 2 is coming out!

Who do you hope to reach with this story?

All the little princesses everywhere because every little girl deserves to feel like a princess!

What is the main message of the Princess Anyah books?

The goal of my book is to empower and inspire and let little girls know that princesses come in all shapes, colors, and sizes.

Tell us about some of the characters or pictures.

Princess Anyah: a fun-loving six-year-old who loves bubble baths and going on adventures.

Queen Ananyah: a strong, confident queen who rules the kingdom of Antibarba along with her husband. Anyah is her pride and joy.

King Ananda: strong, kind, and powerful ruler who wants his kingdom to be a place where everyone can reach their highest potential. The ladies in his life, Princess Anyah and Queen Ananyah, keep him grounded.

Grandma Aquasha: the spiritual center of the family who loves visiting her daughter and granddaughter.

How long have you been working on it?

The story was written in 15-minutes three years ago. I put it aside for a year, then decide to turn it into children’s book. I spent two years bringing my vision to life.

What other professionals helped bring the book to life?

I had the best illustrator and my cousin, who is a elementary school teacher, edited my manuscript.

What has been the most rewarding part of creating this story?

At my first book reading/signing, when I asked the audience if they noticed anything about the princess on the cover, a little girl shouted, “She looks like me!” My heart melted in that moment, and I knew I had found a new purpose.

Find the book!

Thank you, Eldonie, for sharing such a beautiful story with us. If you’d like to learn more about the Princess Anyah books, check out Eldonie’s website!

The Adventures of Princess Anyah of Antibarba: The Fishing Expedition is available from: